About our pet store

McCracken's Pet Supply is your one stop shop for Dogs, Cats, Birds, Fish and Reptiles In Elizabethtown. For quality products, at the best prices!
We provide a wide selection of products for your pets, including food, treats, toys, habitat enrichment items, and more! Your #1 pet supply destination in Elizabethtown!


Quality foods and supplies you can trust, no 4D meat, and human grade! Feed your furry friends like you feed yourself (hopefully healthy!) We have a large variety to choose from, including RAW Dog Food!


We sell a variety of Reptiles and Amphibians including Bearded Dragons, Geckos, Ball Pythons, Axolotls, and carry all of the Supplies required to take care of these amazing creatures.

Wild Bird + More!

Choose from a variety of wild bird food and supplies. As the seasons change, you'll want to ensure your feathered friends feel welcome when they visit your outdoor space. Stock your yard with everything they need to thrive including bird food, birdbaths, birdhouses, and more.

Whether it’s a playful puppy, a majestic cat, or any other furry or feathered friend, pet photographers we a knack for capturing the individual personalities and emotions of animals! For booking and past work, please visit: Lancaster Photographer

Ask not for whom the dog barks.
It barks for thee.

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One stop Shop

We sell pond and aquarium fish, fishing bait, ferrets, a wide variety of reptiles and other exotic pets, and the supplies to take care of these amazing creatures.

Ferrets Available Now!

Please call us at 717-361-8300 for pricing and availability.

Pet Photography

Schedule a session to capture the joy of your family pet and your family in a beautiful, lifelong image

Visit us!
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